Every six months a new edition of Prisoner Express News is created and sent free of charge to men and women incarcerated throughout the United States.
The Prisoner Express newsletter contains selected art, writing, and poetry submitted by prisoners from the previous programming cycle and explains how new members can begin participating in Prisoner Express.
Interested in looking into our past? All of our past cycles are saved below for your enjoyment.
Here's how it works:
Along with writings and content provided by prisoners, the newsletter also lists all the upcoming programs and contains a sign-up sheet. Prisoners return the form with their selected interests to enroll in various programs.
Through the newsletter we seek to provide hope where there is often only despair. Our mission is to celebrate and highlight the common humanity we all share and invite the prisoners to join us in a journey of discovery and skill building. It is a needed link to a world outside of daily prison life that encourages skill and character building.