Winter 2021 Newsletter

Throughout the pandemic, Prisoner Express has continued to offer high-quality distance learning programs and opportunities for creative self-expression in a public forum to incarcerated men and women throughout the US. We are mailing our latest Prisoner Express newsletter to close to 4000 active participants. It is chock full of their submitted writings and art and contains a description of our newest distance learning initiatives as well..

We provide the newsletter by mail to prisoners and place a copy online to offer people on the outside a glimpse of the lives and thoughts of the men and women participating in our programs.

Download, Winter 2021 Prisoner Express Newsletter

The knowledge that people read their words and care about their well-being gives prisoners comfort and motivates them to change their lives and habits. Reading one another’s writing helps those in prison gain perspective, connection and balance

Volunteer with Prisoner Express Online

There are many ways for volunteers to participate and due to COVID-19 we have begun scanning prisoner essays, poetry and art on-line. If you want to know more ways to volunteer or find out about our new initiatives, please consider joining our community page.

Prisoners write to us frequently to thank us for our efforts.

“Thank you for giving us such a great program and all that entails: The educational opportunities, the book programs, writing prompts, creative ideas for self-inquiry, expression, observation, and reflection. 

The doors you have opened up have truly shaped and changed my life for sure, and I know I am not the only one who’s been catapulted into a whole new perspective, outlook, and world by the transformational programs you-Prisoner Express offer us behind bars. Thank you thank you”

~ Myron Martens -North Carolina.

Please join us in catapulting Myron and others in the growing awareness that life is an opportunity and a gift.

> Donate to Prisoner Express Here

> Signup to Volunteer with Prisoner Express Online