Winter 2007 Newsletter
Greetings from the frozen north and welcome to our newest edition of Prisoner Express News. I am grateful for the opportunity to write to you and share with you information about the various projects sponsored by Prisoner Express. For those of you reading this for the first time P.E.’s mission is focused on providing prisoners with information, education, and opportunities for creative self expression.
The program evolves and changes as we discover the best practices in expressing our mission. We are still establishing the most cost effective and efficient practices for delivering our programs to you. It is easy to offer a program, but sometimes all of the follow-up work becomes too expensive or time consuming to do it well. As we go through this process, we are finding ways to offer more quality programming, and do it in a way that we can be timely in our response to you, while still trying to save money by using bulk postage rates. I’ll explain more when I describe the programs that are going to be available in the upcoming months.
For those of you who have been part of the program, I encourage you to read the descriptions of the programs because they may be a bit different than in the past, and you might want to know the procedures before registering for the program.