Summer 2016 Newsletter
Welcome to the Summer 16 PE news. We want to update you on all of the statuses of programs offered in the last cycle as well as offer a chance for you to sign up for the new programs we will be mailing out in Fall 2016. My name is Gary, and I, along with a team of student workers and volunteers, create opportunities for learning and creative self-expression for men and women who are incarcerated. Prisoner Express is a project of the Durland Alternatives Library. I am a staff member at the library, and I launched the PE project as a result of my correspondence with Danny Harris who is a lifer in Texas. I often mention it in the newsletter because it points to the power you have as writers and communicators. You all have a story about your lives, and in sharing all or part of the story with others, you have a means to engage with other people and extend your influence and experience outside of the prison environment.
If Danny had not written me, I would not have thought to begin this project. At last count we have
enrolled 18,000 men and women in one or more of our programs over the past 15 years. Currently we have about 3400 active members. We must hear from you every 6 months for your membership to remain active. If we receive any mail from you, you stay active. People get moved around so much and their mail often does not follow, so if you do get moved be sure to write and let us know your new contact information.