Help us Send Packages to Prison

Every month volunteers and Prisoner Express staff open and read thousands of letters from prisoners – and many of them are requesting reading materials.

Postage for sending the books is the most expensive part of the program – which is why your contribution today will make such a difference.

Right now hundreds of packages are stacked up and ready to be sent to prisoners. Each is carefully packaged by volunteers based on the materials requested. Also, each contains a personal hand written note.

Please contribute right now to help send these packages, and to aid in providing distance learning programs to thousands of incarcerated individuals throughout the US.

Clara, Gary, Yvette bringing packages to the post office
Clara, Gary, Yvette bringing packages to the post office


Prisoner Express is a project of the Center for Transformative Action, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. They accept all funds on behalf of the program.

Your support today is tax-deductible. Thank you!

Want to write a check?

Please send checks (and make payable) to:

CTA / Prisoner Express
PO Box #6556
Ithaca, NY 14851

Thank You For Your Valuable Support!