Posts Tagged ‘Margaret Ryan’
Margaret Ryan, June 10th, 2013
I must learn to accept myself just as I am so I may move forward with life… but how. My friend got out and is bumming off a friend’s family. She refuses to get a job and do anything for herself. As I look back over my own life I can see how I also…
Read MoreMargaret Ryan, January 1st, 2012
Someone poured water in our new TV so the new year begins with 34 women forced to find ourselves with one less diversion to keep us bound to self-delusions. As hard as it is to face reality, prison leaves you a lot of time to face up to the mess of your own making. Whoever…
Read MoreMargaret Ryan, May 15th, 2012
I received another letter from my ex-husband, two in a month. What a nice surprise. My fan went out last week so I have been begging everyone for fan funds. Today I will attempt to blueslip a fan… I stand in faith that money will be there. I earned my first dollar from my writing.…
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