Educational Programs

Every six month cycle includes stand alone programs that offer instruction in a variety of subjects. If the program proves popular it might become an ongoing project.

This part of our programming is the most flexible and is constantly changing. It allows an exciting opportunity for volunteers who want to take leadership on their own project and create something valuable. Those who subscribe to the Prisoner Express Newsletter hear about these new programs and then send back an enrollment form with their interests.

We invite you to view, print, and mail our programs to anyone currently incarcerated who does not have access to this website. 

View Our Published Programs

Current Programs

ARTKNOWS, Fall ’23

App Design, Fall ’23

Chess, Fall ’23

Meditation and Spirituality, Fall ’23

Past Programs

Want the newsletter, or to enroll someone in a program?

You can easily signup to receive the Prisoner Express newsletter and even enroll someone in prison. You'll provide the details and then receive the next mailing. Or you can download and print the newsletter yourself.

Thousands of newsletters folded, addressed, and ready to go out.