Chapbook Update 16: Elizabeth S. Wolf

From the chapbook Burnt, written by Scott Madoulet. Mr. Madoulet resides in Washington. This collection cycles through anger, bitterness, and redemption. This is an excerpt of the opening poem. 


Burnt (part 1)

To change the way I felt,

I burnt myself today.

Fire cleanses, doesn’t it?

Arson led me astray.


(I thought) I hated the life I led,

Myself and others too.

So I lit the match. I set the fire,

But Arson wasn’t through.


The thing with Arson is,

You should always check the wind,

‘Cause Arson burns both ways,

Burns twice those that sin.


Everyone I loved and knew,

And those few I really hated,

Screaming, burned along with me

But Arson wasn’t sated.


The thing with Arson is,

You better check the wind,

‘Cause Arson burns everything,

Burns hot once it begins.