Prisoner Express Art Exhibit Opening
Prisoner Express presents Art from Behind Bars, a showcase featuring the work of incarcerated individuals. The show at the Big Red Barn launches a traveling exhibition that will be presented over the next year at different venues throughout the Finger Lakes region. This provides an opportunity for the larger community beyond Cornell to see the artwork of prisoners.
Prisoner Express Art Exhibit Opening
Wednesday, April 17 6:30-8:30 pm
Refreshments and Unique Art at the Big Red Barn
The annual prisoner art exhibition at the Big Red Barn sponsored by the Prisoner Express of Durland Alternatives Library will be held from April 17 through May 5. The art is representative of prisoners who participate in PE’s distance learning program which provides academic and creative projects to 4500 prisoners throughout the United States.
Send letters to incarcerated artists
We are inviting the community to join us for a reception of the exhibition and to participate in writing letters to artists whose work is on display. Paper and envelopes will be provided and we will mail the letters to the prison artists. First names are used and the return address is Durland Alternatives Library. The human need for acknowledgment is often denied to prisoners and your comments and your letters provide meaningful support.
“ Prisoner Express was a window in my cell that allowed me to see the world outside of prison. Through that window, P.E. invited me to write stories and essays about things that mattered to me. Writing all those stories and essays helped me to examine the way I think and feel – and that really changed my life for the better. You see, P.E. allowed me to advance my communication skills and that alone is the greatest thing that will help you transition from the inside to the outside.”
~ Dave Gordon recently released long time PE member
For more information email or call the Alternatives Library at 255-6486.
Please join us on April 17 from 6:30 to 8:30 for viewing the art and the opportunity to write letters of encouragement to the prison artists!
Prisoner Express Art Exhibit Opening
Wednesday, April 17 6:30-8:30 pm
Refreshments and Unique Art at the Big Red Barn