You Talk too Much

Georgia O'keeffe

     Ohhh you sneaky snake, you did it!  They said it couldn’t be done, but you did it!  Hee-he-hee, you did it!  They said it was impossible, but you, you’ve proven them all wrong!  Oh my, what a marvelous feat!  Simply marvelous!  I alone saw it!  I alone know!  Tee-hee!

     “Quiet Sam,” said the man that is not Sam.

      Oh, yes-yes, shhh, no one must know.  Your secret is safe with me.  I won’t tell a soul.  No-no-no!  My lips are sealed!  Tightly shut they shall remain!  Oh but how you must feel.  So sly.  So sharp.  Sheer genius I must say.  You did it, and got away!  I may not have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes.  And here you stand beside me.  What a—

     “Quiet Sam,” said the man that is not Sam.

     Why-why yes, you’re quite right.  Someone may be listening or lurking about.  Oh but wait!  What if, what if someone else saw?  Wha-wha-what if, what if someone else already knows?  Why, I-I-I’d be just as guilty, just as guilty as you!  Oh me oh my what will I do?  What-what will—

     “Quiet Sam,” said the man that is not Sam.

     Yes-yes, of course!  We mustn’t panic.  We mustn’t give ourselves away.  We must remain calm, cunning, conniving, at the very least! We must stick together!  We must—officer! Officer!  That’s him!  He’s the one you seek!  He’s done it!  I can tell you all you need to know!!

     There he is officer!  That’s the man!

     Sam hid behind the officer while urging and nudging him forward.

     Take him in officer!  He’s guilty, guilty as sin!  He must be punished!  Punished I say!  Take him!  Take him away!

     “Quiet Sam,” said the man that is not Sam.

     The officer looked at the man then looked at Sam, puzzled at both and with an irritated look simply said “listen to the man Sam,” and walked out of sight.  Sam’s eyes widened as he gasped and went to stand by the man that is not Sam.

     Ohhh you clever clever man!  You did it again!  That was a close one!  He almost found us out!  But we outwitted him, outwitted him indeed.  Brilliant!  Brilliant!  How crafty are we!  How—

     “Quiet SAM!!!” shouted the man that is not Sam.

     Sam was quiet for all of four seconds, but a second after the fourth came a grin and a smirk as he looked to the man that is not Sam and whispered, “You did it.  You did it and got away with it too. You…”