Aaron Pons, August 10th, 2012
People strive to find peace, joy, tranquility and solitude in various things. Some find it in the city or farms and others find it in alcohol and drugs. Some don’t find it at all, others don’t even try. I found all of these things with nature, and the bliss I found with her calls to me loud and clear, always giving me a reason to find my way back into her arms.
The benefits are numerous with her. I can only scratch the surface when attempting to describe them. Nevertheless honor is due to her, to say the least, I hope my writing gives her the credit due.
Mother nature has always called to me, inviting me to search the many mysteries of her existence. In her compassion and love she shared with a child, now she still shares in my memories.
When I cried she too would shed her tears with the rain, when I ran away she would put wind at my back to push me farther, when I wanted to hide would show me a place known only to us, when I was lonely she would chase away the animal fears and I would be entertained, when I was hungry she would feed me whatever I desired, when I was tired she would give me a place of rest.
When I escaped wounded and sad by my family’s vehemence she would console, comfort and heal me, when I felt like I was nobody she would scrape me with the roughness of her trees. Just enough to let me know that I was still alive and that she knows it.
Mother nature will never turn her back on the people who love her, if we take the time to know her, she will hide and protect us from our enemies, she will nourish and provide for us in our time of need if we turn to her. So when I escape from my troubles, fleeing to mother nature, I do so to heal the wounds within, she will help me solve my problems, give me healing that only she can bestow.