Treacy Ziegler has been working with Prisoner Express for a long time now, heading the art programs through the years. She spends time visiting prisons and has created an art workshop for prisoners. Please read information about her work below and consider donating to help make this possible.
When I ask my art students in prison if they ever think of themselves not as an inmate, the consistent answer I get is, “When I am sleeping.” Prison operates on the structure that prisoners are inmates 24/7. What happens when I disrupt this 24/7 by offering to the prisoners a three-day art workshop facilitating that they live as full-time artists for this period?
I have developed a three-day art workshop for 20 men scheduled for this summer at the Trumbull Prison in Ohio where I have been teaching for 9 years. This high security prison is somewhat unique in my experience of prisons. It has been more open than many prisons in allowing me to explore different approaches in teaching art and has given permission to this very unique three-day workshop. I do not know of any three-day workshop provided in any prison.
The workshop will cover drawing, painting, and printmaking concepts. I have been with some of these men for 9 years and can specifically address their interest and skill. For instance, even though I have done printing making classes with them, we were unable to fully explore printmaking because some of the printmaking processes demand multiple and consecutive days to complete a project.
In addition to specific hands-on lessons in these mediums, the workshop will provide didactic instruction of other teachers on art techniques, art history, and various art processes. The days will be divided between studio time and lectures.
I hope you are enthused as I am in this venture and would be willing to help in the funding of it. My goal is $500 for materials.
Want to write a check?
Please send checks (and make payable) to:
CTA / Prisoner Express
127 Anabel Taylor Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
We are a project of the Center for Transformative Action, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. They accept all funds on our behalf.
Your support today is tax-deductible. Thank you!