Dan Grote, December 2013
The start of another month. I’d like to say this month will be different from last month, but it won’t. The monotony is unfathomable. I just totaled it up, and I read 21 books last month. That’s down from my 24 monthly average! I submitted a short story and some poems to a few different literary journals. That’s really all I’ve accomplished. It’s something at least, I guess. Still haven’t heard from or been able to talk to the kids. I got to start eating better.
What a start to the day. Almost got into a fight over a chair! A chair! I have to remember this isn’t the penitentiary. I have to wonder if I’ve always been like this or if this place made me this way. How can you be rehabilitated in an environment that turns you into a predatory animal? I’m trying to do all I can to better myself but things keep drawing out the bad. Maybe that’s all there is. I hate the holidays. Nothing jolly or merry in this place.
Got lazy and neglected to journal this weekend. Was finishing a short story. I think it turned out well. Sitting around waiting for the Bears game to start. Oh, and I got a strange request. One of the guys in here wants me to pretend to be Santa Claus when he calls home and talks to his 4 year old grandson. That should be interesting.
Just made the Santa Claus call, what a blast. There were three kids I ended up talking to and I was told I made their day. Maybe I’m not a total scumbag.