James Menchaca 1-6-13

I’m off of cell restriction today.  I’m free!  Only in a sense where my cellie and I don’t have to as to what bunk we stay at during count time.  Being locked up for so long I understand that between me and my cellie we need some time to ourselves.  There are times where I just want to be in the cell by myself.  So I know my cellie feels the same way.  Being on restriction makes that hard where we have to bend the rules just to get some self time.

It’s crazy that when I was in the free world, I would find my me time in the bathroom.  It’s where I did my best thinking, sitting on the toilet.  Between the kids and the wife it was the only time I’d find to myself.  As I think about it now, It’s like I never left the bathroom.  Because, in my cell, I have a toilet and a sink.  The cell is just as big but I have a cellie and I have my own bunk to sleep in.  Other than that I live in a restroom.  Crazy!