Jimmie Delgado, January 6, 2013

Hello me, it’s me again.  It’s been a while since I last laid a few thoughts down on paper.  Well all the holidays are now over.  Another year gone.  Now it’s time to get back on track with things.  I’m off to a good start to the new year.  I received a letter from my Wife, some cards and pictures from my Aunt of my kids and granddaughter and other extended family, so I’m good.  You know I never was into any type of news (as in T.V. news or radio), but lately I’ve been very interested in all kinds of information they have been putting out even on world news.  From in here I am very limited to what I can do for my family, but hearing and watching whats going on in the world helps me understand more of what they are going through.  And many things that can happen.  I thank God so much for watching over my wife and kids and providing for them.  I also pray for others in need of his help.  It’s crazy because it feels as if it’s safer to be here locked up than to be in the free world at times, At others I know it would be better if I was out there with my family helping them through the struggles.  My hands feel tied.  I’m used to being the one to depend on.  I’m used to being the one to get things done.  Now?  It’s like I can only watch things from a glass window as things happen.  I am not able, but for my father in heaven he is without limits and without hindrance.  I leave all things in his hands.  I am thankful for his blessings and love.  I am also ever grateful for his mercy and patience with me.  The world is a crazy place.  I never saw myself in prison as a kids.  Hahaha, as I take a look around me, I know none of us ever did.  We use to play with HE-Man and G.I. Joe.  We use to be afraid of the dark or the sound of someone shouting “Boo!” We use to think if we stayed up until 12 am it was like we stayed up forever.  I know I can remember almost all of the things I played, pretended, or wanted as a kid.  How my life came to be so different?  Hahaha, I don’t know, one thing I do know is life is full of surprises.  Till next time.  It’s been good talking to me.  I’ll wait and see what my mind has to say to me in the coming of days.



  1. soulshine on February 23, 2013 at 9:38 am

    I enjoyed reading your blog. It made me think of my son, which is how I found your writing. He’s incarcerated in a FCI for 15 yrs, with half his time left to go, so I will be sure to tell him about this fantastic site here. I know he’d love to use it. I will be checking in again to read more from you, you write very well. I will add you & your family to my prayer list Jimmy. God bless and keep us safe. Stay strong and keep writing!

  2. Bradford@prisonerexpress on March 3, 2013 at 6:02 pm

    Hi Soulshine-
    Absolutely tell your son about PE- the website below has the latest newsletter. There are a lot of different art, writing, and distance learning projects to get involved with to express himself and connect with others. Thank you very much for reading, and for the comment.

    In support and love,